I started the weekend at Grandma's house. I got to see my cousins and my Aunt Genessa and Uncle Tyler. I slept through the big dinner on Thursday, but that was fine with me. I woke up for the fun stuff: I watched Daddy put Grandma's train set together under the Christmas tree.
I visited Grammy and Papaw the rest of the weekend. We watched some football and I got to see my Great Aunt Owi and my Great Grandma Luttrell. I showed them all how I can roll over. Yes, it is official. I've been rolling over ever regularly since Mom helped me write the blog last week. She tells me I am such a big boy. Click here to see for yourself!
It was a great Thanksgiving. I spent a lot of time relaxing in the arms of loved ones. My Daddy's strong arms are two of my favorites. I want to be like him someday. I am very thankful for Daddy.
We decorated our Christmas tree last night. I am really looking forward to my first Christmas! I helped Mom put my ornament on the tree. I like looking at the lights and listening to the music.
Thank you for checking in on me! I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one and that your Christmas season is off to a terrific start! See you next week...