Monday, February 21, 2011

6 months old!

Big grins
This past week I hit another milestone. I am now six months old. It is hard to believe how fast half a year has gone by. I am a big boy, measuring at 28 inches tall, 17 pounds 4 ounces, and starting to eat big boy food. I had my first puffs today...they were delicious! I am eating really well. Still not sleeping great though. I guess I am just like my Daddy...a night owl. All in all though, the last six months have been fantastic, both for me and my family. No milestone is complete without pictures, so Mom took us on Friday. I was digging the camera time!

Big boys

Me and Ryker
We visited the Children's Museum recently, too. I got to play in the Playscape. I liked looking in the mirror and grabbing everything. I am getting very good at grasping small objects and developing my fine motor skills. I am spinning my letter ball, rattles, and picking up the puffs all by myself. So big!

1st trip to the Children's Museum

Look at all these fun toys!


We celebrated Valentine's Day last week. Mom, Dad, and Ryker gave me lots of cuddles. I saw the M&Ms and jello that Ryker was munching on and I think I'll enjoy the sweeter side of the holiday next year. Hope you had a sweet week...see you soon!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's this in my mouth?

By golly, it's my tongue! I discovered it this past week and since then it has been hard to catch me doing much besides sticking it out or blowing raspberries with it. I'm so silly!

I got another Valentine this week. Grandma brought me this monkey when she and Aunt Nessa visited with us. I also got to spend some extended time with Grammy and Papaw as well as the Kernodles, celebrating Kim's birthday!

This weekend was the Superbowl. Though my Colts weren't vying for the big prize, I still had a great time at my first ever Superbowl party. What's not to love about hanging out with Chandler and Mimi?

Watching my first Superbowl