Here are some pictures from the past month. It has been busy, fun, and there has been no shortage of ornery at our house!
Andrew came to visit for a few days. D and Andrew got along just great! |
This big boy is ready for his own trike! |
D decided he was ready for the t-ball set, too. He loves to hit the ball. |
Deklan holds baby Avery. |
Aunt Mimi was so proud of how well D held Avery. |
Right after this, D gave him a kiss on the head...where was that shot? |
Holy Week activities...we talked about Jesus being the bread of life...and then made heart shaped bread (donuts). |
D was a donut eating machine! |
Took a spill at the park. D bit through his lip from top to bottom...thankfully nurse Miranda saved us an E.R. visit and Lauren helped corral the other kids while I got D cleaned up. He sported this very lovely "scab soul-patch" for several days, though. |
That little tumble didn't keep him from having fun! |
Daddy is so proud of his perfect swing. |
Baseball in the morning. Baseball in the evening. Even when we're trying to get him changed for bed. |
Coloring Easter eggs. I think D threw a half dozen on the floor. Dad said that he wondered when we'd actually get a full set of uncracked ones...Mom said she hopes no time soon! |
Finished product... |
Where's that egg? |
After a great morning at church celebrating our risen Lord, the boys took to the backyard for an egg hunt in their Sunday best. |
Just like big brother, D stopped and ate the treats out of the eggs he found along the way. |
Surprise! There was an Easter basket waiting for each of the boys after the hunt. D loved finding the "Bob-a-mato" and "Silly Pickle" book (that's Bob the Tomato and Larry from Veggie Tales). |
Shooting hoops at Grandmas with the cousins and Dad. |
He loves to ride. |
Having a ball...literally and figuratively. |
Deklan climbed on every surface possible, at Grandmas. He has been climbing constantly. We chased him off of this stool countless times. |
Grandma and the boys. |
Celebrating Grammy & Owi's 60th birthday, and Aunt B & Papaw's birthdays at Weber Grill. |
Late night birthday cookie. |
Birthday lunch with Papaw. |
We had lots more adventures that didn't make the camera. We celebrated Brandon's birthday by going to the park and out for ice cream. Aunt Terese got them sweet Easter baskets that the boys had fun with. We had a play date with the Spillmans at the park. We got to celebrate Jacey's day with her, too. Deklan spent the majority of that party taking dum dum lollipops off of the giant Mickey Mouse ears and eating them...8 total, that we are aware of. D has a sweet tooth, to say the least. He is our adventurous child! He loves climbing and exploring. He is really independent and tries to do anything and everything that he sees Ryker doing. He has gone potty on the big boy potty twice, by himself! His language skills are pretty impressive...he says most of his "abc's" and counts to ten. It has been an exciting month of learning and growing for this little one. Thanks for checking in on Deklan and all of his adventures!