Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Turning TWO

The month of August is a much anticipated one at our house. There's the usual summer fun of hot sunny days, parks, and pool time. There is the annual trek to the State Fair. I'm not sure which is more appealing to the boys, the guidelines loosening of what constitutes a "meal" (surely french fries, ice cream, lemon shake-ups and cotton candy are balanced nutritionally?) or the animals and activities that are at every turn. Then, there is Deklan's birthday. All of these things combined for a fast, frenzied, and fantastic three weeks for D.
Our most notable fun in the sun, of late, has been running. That wouldn't be much of a surprise if it were my blog, but it is Deklan's blog, and though most toddler boys like to run (and jump and climb), I doubt that many actually like to go for real runs (or at least Ryker didn't at this age or even now). Deklan has proven to be our long distance runner, and like his mother who is neither fast nor much on the coordinated side, he too excels when the pace is steady and the path is long. He, literally, will run around our neighborhood. Ryker teases that he runs on his "tippy-toes, tippy-toes" but however he does it, he just goes and he rarely stops. His obedience is improving to where he stays on the sidewalk almost the whole time. He even says, "I'm listening, I'm listening!" when he does stray off slightly and corrects himself back onto the walkway. This is all comical to us because Ryker, like Daddy, will take off like a shot and then walk a bit, sprint and then walk, and sprint and walk some more. The best part in it all is that the three of us (by day) and the four of us (by night) spend quality time being active and engaged, taking time to talk and teach, marvel at airplanes and squirrels, and breathing fresh air into our lungs.
In stark contrast to that healthy activity, the boys took in all that the fair had to offer on three occasions this year.They hit the State Fair with Mommy and some friends one day, Aunt Terese and Uncle Tom & Brandon one Saturday, and then once as a whole family. If you asked Deklan he would tell you that three times was not enough. He still talks, somewhat randomly, about going to the ferris wheel. He rode it for the first time this year. We still chuckle because it is one of our least favorite things (maybe it would be more appealing if it were a permanent structure, instead of an empty parking lot by day and then suddenly a giant metal wheel that rotates while you dangle from a basket on it the next night) and yet it is one of the boys' favorites. D was not much for the rides, aside from the ferris wheel. He did request to go on the alpine slide with Daddy. He looked like he had a blast, despite clutching to Dad for dear life throughout the ride. He also went fishing, winning a couple of inflatable toys and a glow light sabre. The fair is nothing that we'd be interested in if it weren't for our boys. Things take on a whole different look when you're seeing them through the eyes of a child. I was glad the boys got to share it with their aunt, uncle, & cousin this year because it had been quite a while since they, too, got to see it through the youthful lenses. We're very grateful they treated them to such a fun trip. Had it not been for them, we wouldn't have even ventured toward the games or many of the rides, and oh what we'd have missed out on by just assuming the boys wouldn't be interested or old enough for those things yet.
Deklan's birthday party was like no other that we've done. We did most of it ourselves, making decorations, party favors, and even a pinata. It was so much fun to see it come together, little by little, in the weeks leading up to it. He had only one request for the party: popcorn. He got popcorn and a whole lot more. We love seeing family and friends come together to celebrate Deklan. We're so grateful for all the love and support we have from friends and family in raising our boys. He was showered with praises, hugs, kisses, and presents. 
Deklan's day was non-stop fun. We woke up and went to the park to celebrate Emerson's 4th birthday. It was a brisk 56 when we got there, so the boys had on jeans and long sleeved t-shirts. It took less than an hour for Deklan to run through the splash park fully clothed. Thus, he spent the next few hours running around the park in (nearly) his birthday suit (thank goodness Anna let us borrow her last swim diaper, so he ran around in Disney Princesses instead of absolutely nothing). After a wardrobe change, we had lunch at chick-fil-a and played in the play place. Nap time went quickly and when he woke up he was surrounded by family, his favorite meal of pork chops, asparagus, and salad waiting for him before his friends arrived. I've learned that two is more fun than one, because at two they can actually enjoy the birthday party rather than being on display like they are for the first go at it. Deklan certainly got involved. VeggieTales theme resulted in a game of throw popcorn into Jimmy & Jerry Gourd's mouths, a Bob the Tomato pinata, and a potato sack race. He threw popcorn balls, he beat Bob the pinata, and he went on a jog with Grammy during the race. D was smiling and laughing throughout the evening, which is exactly what we had hoped for.
The excitement hasn't ended since the party. Last night, after a run around the neighborhood, our two year old decided to try and climb up on the kitchen counter. He stood up on his tip-toes with his hands on the counter and his feet slid out from underneath him. I didn't think it looked like a bad fall (he's had dozens of falls that looked much more concerning and were nothing at all) and when he cried I thought the fall just scared him more than anything. After a sleepless night that included him crawling into our room at 2 a.m. and an inability to put weight on it this morning, I took him to the doctor only to find that he had broken his tibia. Our little trooper handled it all admirably and after a bright red cast was placed on his left leg, he dozed off for a well deserved nap. As far as the situation goes, it is lined with blessings. It's the end of the summer, so it's not like he is going to have to deal with a cast during the heart of the summer months or his birthday. It is a quick heal, so he should be out in 3 weeks. It won't effect his growth or his gait. It is waterproof, so he can still enjoy baths and even a trip to the pool or splash park. He isn't in pain. All in all this isn't so bad. We're so grateful that this is what it is and we're praying for a quick recovery!
If the first half-week of being two is any indication of what the rest of the year will look like then this is going to be quite a ride! We are so thankful for Deklan. God has blessed him with amazing energy and a desire to explore. He is strong-willed, but that can be a good thing if aimed in the right direction. He is funny and he is crazy about his big brother. We're looking forward to seeing how this adventurous little guy will develop and learn and praying for God's protection as he grows and investigates the world around him. We are appreciative of every moment and memory that we've experienced with D over the past two years and excited for what lies ahead. Thank you for following along on this journey!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Well, it seems it has come to this: blogging one month at a time. I'd like to think that this summer has been flying by because of all the fun we're having. Here is our July (and end of June) recap...
We finished off the month of June with a trip to Dunlap, IL. What in the world is in Dunlap, you say? Well, Emerson & Sully of course! Our whole family went to visit the Spillman fam. It couldn't have been a better time. We wrestled, tickled, ate ice cream, swam, rode bikes, ran, dunked donuts, jumped, played basketball, choo choo'd trains, threw rocks, wore out a playground, giggled til way past our bedtime, and boy did we have fun! 

I'll throw this big one.

Okay, maybe this big log instead.

The boat!

Look closely...that's Mr. Daniel completely horizontal to the water!

Soon enough, boys. Soon enough.

So sad for the weekend with Emerson to end.

Nothing gets him down!
July got off to a great start with lots of play dates. We hit the park with Allison, went to the museum with Emerson & Sully, a movie night with Aunt B & Uncle, and had fun with Mom and Dad, too. Then we headed to Grammy & Papaw's house for the 4th of July. We swam all day with Owi, Grammy, and our parents. We had squirt guns and toys that made for some good water fights. Grapes Grandma had lunch with us. Then we lit sparklers in the drive way.

The following week, Mom went to Haiti. We hardly noticed her absence with Grandma around. When Mommy came home, we showered her with hugs and saying repeatedly, "We missed you when you were in Hades, Mom." Just to be clear, Mom was in Haiti, not Hades, and we will work on pronouncing it correctly. We took Grandma to the museum and then eased back into our normal routine by hitting the park and playing with friends including Anna, Jason & Cadence, Brayden, Jalen, Jameson & Jacey, new arrival Jacob, and more Grammy & Papaw time too. I told you it has been a very busy summer!

At the airport...smiles didn't last too long, especially from Mom.

Popcorn & Movie night

Can eat his weight in popcorn!

Homemade ice cream with Grandma.

Pizza Chef

"I do it by myself!"

Racing cars together.

Doughnut maker.

We made this sign for Mommy!

First trip to the library.

Just like big brother.

Ice cream face!

Swimming at Jake & Erin's house with Gabby & Jared.

Taking pictures...of himself.

Horsies with Anna.

Eating all of Grammy's salmon.

Spaghetti race with Uncle E.

Hot Wheels exhibit with Grammy, Papaw, and Daddy!

Walking in "Egypt" with Grammy.

First trip to the zoo.

Ryker touched the shark!

Legos with Grandma!

Monkey bars all by himself.
We hope that you've had a great summer, too! We'll see you soon with more pictures and stories to tell.