Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First haircut, Father's Day, Fun Run, and more...

Almost two weeks since my last blog which means I have loads of pictures to show you! Check out the captions to see what I've been up to...
Not too thrilled about Daddy giving me a haircut.

Despite my anxiety, it didn't turn out too bad.
Golf, anyone?

For Daddy's Day we went up to Goshen to visit Grandma and our extended family. I watched my hero in action.

Bear crawling like my big bro

Playing with Cadence and Kyrie

Fun with the cousins...I even made it out of the golf club forest without a bump on the noggin!
Grandma filled up two pools for us to splash in. Here I am with Brannen.

Brayson hopped in the pool with me, too!

Daddy let me get in the big pool. That was fun!

Happy, splashing boy

Drying off with Mommy
The not-so-staged shot (we'll call this practice).

The real thing

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

The boys

Cuddling with my Daddy

Like father, like son; GO CUBBIES!

Silly cousin shot

Playing with Daddy and Ryker

They crack me up!

Some of our friends came over for a play date. Sully and I played some baseball.

Daddy took off a half day from work and we all went to the Children's Museum.

The boys went up in space with Dora and Boots.

This is my acorn for Dora's car.
Daddy helped me put it in the gas tank.

Ryker was pumping up the tire. I thought that was funny.

Family carousel ride
My time to get down and explore at the museum...of course I went straight for a ball!

The little paleontologist, looking for a dino fossil.
I didn't find anything, but it sure was fun to look.
Our friend, Lainie, came over to visit. We walked to the park and then swam when we got back home.

We had so much fun!

I said I didn't want to swim...but then got soaked anyway.
Decided to get in the pool and splash

Mommy & Daddy's small group participated in the Sunday Night Run to benefit Right To Life. Mommy, Miranda, Vance, Lauren, and the Obers all ran the 5k; Daddy, Daniel, and Ryan (and all of us kids)  did the 1 mile walk. It was a fun evening!
Sully, Anna, and I hanging out after the race.

Sully and I both think Anna is pretty!

I wasted no time showing my affections.

Come on, Ryker...she was totally into me!
Well, that's it for my last couple of weeks. Hope you enjoyed recapping them through pictures.

Check out these videos...I make my brand new noise (I get the whole family laughing when I do it) and I also do a lot of talking in one, but then again I am taking advantage of having the house and toys to myself, so why wouldn't I? See you soon!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Strollin', strollin', strollin!

Note from Mommy:
Deklan is such a trooper! He has been so content to spend so much time in the stroller lately. It seems a lot of the things that we do require that he be in there. Whether it's going to see PBS Kids in the park (so Ryker can see Super Why) or going to the playground, playing outside, or just allowing Mom to go for a jog, Deklan is so patient and happy rolling along. He has had a couple of good nights of sleep here and there, but we're still working on consistency. He is eating really well right now. He loves pork chops, smoked sausage, and asparagus. I'm so blessed to have two boys that are so easy to feed. The downside with D is that he still isn't nursing or drinking well, so that is a concern for his weight/development as well as part of the whole sleepless night thing. I'm confident that we'll figure it out in time. We are grateful that he is eating well and that he hasn't been nearly as cranky during the daytime as of late.
Deklan is cruising everywhere. He loves to pull up to a stand on everything: the refrigerator, the cabinets, toys, the couch (and he'll walk around holding on to the cushions), and even his crib. He is getting several more teeth in, currently. He has one more that poked through on top and two more that are days away from breaking through on the bottom, for what will be a grand total of 8! Goodness, that's a mouth full!
Deklan will be back next week with stories from his first Daddy Day and news from his trip to Grandma's house. For now, please enjoy these pictures from the past week. See you then...
Strollin' along at PBS Kids in the Park

Howdy, Cow!


Dinner with our neighbors

Look! I got Hayley's phone!

Austin, you can play with the toy...I'll stick with the phone.

I think she wants her phone back, now.